2024 Photo Album
12.21 - Christmas Party
12.14 - 4th Quarter Birthdays
12.14 - Christmas Program

11.28 - Thanksgivng Dinner
10.27 - Ladies Tea
10.12 - Happy 91st Birthday Rose!

09.14 - 3rd Quarter Birthdays
09.07 - Pastor Roshelle'S Trip ------ We left the husbands home. Someone has to pay for our adventures!
08.24 - Happy 37th Anniversary Sam and Susan and Happy 29th Birthday Susan..... You do the math!
08.11 - Youth Gathering @ Derrick and Shirley's
08.03 - Happy Birthday Erlinda
08.03 - Farewell to Kenny and Norma
06.01 - Evangelism Workshop
05.25 - Gamble Garden Tea
05.19 - BBQ @ Alvin and JoJo's
05.11 - 2nd Quarter Birthdays
05.11 - Mother's Day
05.04 - Mountain View Academy Visit
02.24 - 1st Quarter Birthdays
02.01 - Sanctuary Bible Study